
30 Jun
Model of system for monitoring quality in HEIs elaborated

A short-term expert mission under Activity 3.2 Undertake capacity building activities for relevant stakeholders to enhance their accreditation-related capacities was implemented by the Twinning project on 3, 16, 18, 22 and 25 June 2020.

The online mission hosted through Zoom videoconferencing platform was implemented by Ms. Tatjana Volkova, Head of Study Quality Committee at the Quality Agency for Higher Education (AIKA) of Latvia and Rasa Pranskeviciute-Amoson, Policy Analyst at Government Strategic Analysis Center (STRATA) of Lithuania.

The objective of the mission was to share best practices from EU countries on the system of monitoring the quality of higher education institutions, on collection of data, its analysis and visualization (presentation through figures and graphics, in a reader-friendly format) and also to elaborate a model for monitoring the quality of higher education institutions relying on a list of Key Performance Indicators for Azerbaijan considering best EU practices and the local context specificities.

During the five-day mission, the experts held online meetings with the staff of the Analytical Department of the Education Quality Assurance Agency under the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan to discuss the best European practices in monitoring the quality of higher education institutions, particularly Lithuanian and Latvian cases.

As a result of the mission, the experts developed a detailed report titled “Monitoring the Higher Education System Development in Azerbaijan” where they have shared best practices from Lithuania and Latvia on the system of monitoring the quality of higher education institutions, including examples of KPI indicators as well as suggested a model for monitoring the quality of higher education institutions relying on a list of Key Performance Indicators for Azerbaijan. 
