
20 Jun
Work on criteria for study program evaluation finalized

A short-term expert mission under Activity 3.2 Undertake capacity building activities for relevant stakeholders to enhance their accreditation-related capacities was implemented by the Twinning project on 15, 17 and 18 June 2020.


The online mission which took place via Zoom videoconferencing platform was implemented by Ms. Jolita Butkiene, Head of Quality Centre of ISM University of Economics and Management of Lithuania.


The aim of the mission was to finalize the work on criteria and indicators for evaluation of study programs.


It should be noted that the criteria and indicators for evaluation of study programs were jointly developed by the Twinning experts and staff of the Accreditation and Licensing Department of the Education Quality Assurance Agency at previous stages of the Twinning project and were tested during the mock program evaluations implemented at pilot universities.


During the three-day mission, the expert held online meetings with the Accreditation and Licensing Department staff to discuss the above-said document. As a result of the mission, the work on the above-said criteria and indicators was finalized by the expert taking into account best European practices in quality assurance and also specificities of the local higher education system. 
