
16 Jun
New accreditation rules of higher education institutions revised

A short-term expert mission under Activity 3.2 Undertake capacity building activities for relevant stakeholders to enhance their accreditation-related capacities was implemented by the Twinning project from 10 to 12 June 2020.

The online mission which took place via Zoom video conferencing platform was implemented by  Ms. Jolanta Silka, Director of Quality Agency for Higher Education (QAHE) of Latvia and Mr. Almantas Serpatauskas, Head of Division for Study Programme Evaluation at the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education of Lithuania. 

The aim of the mission was to revise the newly developed “Rules for accreditation of higher and secondary special education institutions” drafted by the Accreditation and Licensing Department of the Education Quality Assurance Agency, which was recently established at the Ministry of Education.

During the three-day mission, the experts held online meetings with the Accreditation and Licensing Department staff to discuss the above-said document. As a result of the mission, the experts submitted their proposals to the Accreditation and Licensing Department to ensure that the new accreditation rules comply with the best European practices in quality assurance. 
