
02 Mar
Recognition practices in Azerbaijani HE assessed

The first mission under the Activity 4.2 Assess the recognition practices in the pilot universities and develop proposals for changes to reflect recognition based on learning outcomes and in line with European best practices of the Twinning project took place from 25 February to 1 March 2019.

The experts who visited Baku for the above-said Activity were Ms. Kristina Sutkute, Information and Assessment Officer at the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education of Lithuania (SKVC) and Ms. Inara Dunska, Deputy director of Diploma Recognition Department at the Academic Information Centre (AİC) of Latvia.

The objective of the mission was to assess recognition practices in the pilot universities, to make a proposal on amendments to regulations on recognition at institutional level to allow for recognition of periods of studies based on learning outcomes and in line with European best practices and to draft guidelines for improvement of recognition procedures at universities.

As part of their mission the short-term experts had meetings with staff of the Science, Higher and Secondary Professional Education Department at the Ministry of Education and Nostrification Department at the Accreditation and Nostrification Office to learn the current state of affairs regarding the recognition of periods of study and foreign qualifications in Azerbaijan accordingly.

Moreover, the experts met with the people responsible for recognition of periods of study and ECTS credits obtained abroad from abroad at Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University and Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University to assess the recognition practices at those universities.